This past week or so, I've turned attention back to the Shed/Office/Whatever it's called, and made slight progress. This does to happen when paychecks arrive, I'll admit.
A couple months ago, a county Building Inspector popped by to take a peek at the shed, and left his card for me to follow up once I was able to get it in the final resting place, as well as finished out. Well, as luck would have it, Monday I was able to have a local mover fling the shed from where it sat in the corner of the yard, over next to the driveway where it will live out it's days.

Surprisingly, it was nearly level from the get-go. I had to raise the side closest to the driveway about two inches, but lengthwise was already spot on, so that was nice. Five minutes with my floor jack, and a couple of concrete spacer blocks, and we're level all around. Coolness. Next up, was mapping out a plan for internet. As I've been planning for a desk on one corner, gaming on the other, and a TV in the middle, it was just a matter of deciding upon a number of jacks. In the hunt for that answer, I came across an item called a Structured Media Enclosure. These apparently are popular already in built homes, but I had never heard of them. More importantly, the ones I found also offered a composite or plastic vented panel which allows for WiFi signals to pass through. This means I can put a router inside it, and keep it off my desk. Neato. Added that to my Amazon cart, and then used that to determine in the building, where it would go, where lines would run, and then pulled out a bunch of Cat 6 cable through new holes in the wall.
Ultimately I settled on a 6-port jack at anticipated desk level, and another 2-port jack underneath on the right, which might eventually house a server under the desk, or who knows. Two more jacks on the far end to feed the gaming computer - One for the PC, and a 2nd as a spare, or in the case I build a second and the last port on the opposite wall, at about a 40" height for a behind-a-TV location. A few staples, and now that's all run.
Next up, was tossing in a 6500 BTU window AC unit in the end nearest the electric panel, as that is the end the sim rigs will be in, and the end that I would be wanting the most comfort if I was out there in the meantime. Well, if I had internet, obviously. I also remembered three boxes of Bellafina laminate flooring in my old, OLD shed. It was just a shade over 60 square feet worth, so I thought you know, the floor from wall to wall is just a shade over 10' wide, so if I put 6' worth down, wall to wall, it would give me a nice look at least for the sims to sit on. So, I did.
Since this is only temporary, I didn't put a lot of effort into it (note the one extra inch on the 3rd row from the right), but I wanted to give myself some sort of finished look at least. I don't know if this is the same color I'll end up with when I get around to doing the real floor later, but for now it'll work.
Next up was the beginning of the racing rig move. First up, the triple monitors. Taking them off the stand was cake, moving it was a trick due to the legs being as long and wide as they were, but I managed. And Saturday morning before heading for the Poconos, I managed to muscle the rest of the rig out of the house and into the shed. Enlisting help, we slid it underneath the monitor stand into it's resting place, including the floor pads beneath it. I still have to re-mount the wheel deck and upright arms, and all the rest of the gear, but having them side by side is a nice victory. Good spacing between them, and I'm happy with how it looks together. Now if only I can get the rest of the electric trenched, and get some walls in this thing.
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